Grow Love

Friday, August 25, 2006

Hawaiian Activists

Thumbs up Hawaii Pro-Cannabis Anti-Meth 2006 Initiative


Currently on the Big Island's County Agenda, Rev. Roger Christie from
THC Ministries, has written an anti-methamphetamine/ pro-cannabis law
that will be discussed for the ballot in November. The initiative can
be viewed at

The initiative calls for the end of funding for cannabis eradication,
"Green Harvest", and funnels those resources into battling meth
crimes, and promote education on meth addiction. Essentialy, it would make
misdemeanor crimes, the lowest priority. In Hawaii, 24 plants or less
is a misdemeanor.
Thus, 24 plants per each medical or religious user,
without having to be worried about the penguins coming to your door.
Currently, mmj patients are only authorized to grow seven plants, which
is by no means a adequate supply , for most folks.

Please send an email to Hawaii County Board Chairman Stacy Higa at:

Let him and the rest of the Board know, that meth is a problem, and
energy and resources would be better spent on meth erradication,
addiction recovery and education, rather than looking to criminalize
religious, medicinal and private users of cannabis. I have attached a
copy of the initiative: "The methamphetimine Eradication Act of 2006"

The people of Hawaii thank you for your support. Any questions can be
answered by contacting Rev. Roger Christie of THC Ministries at:

Just think, you could one day find yourself in paradise, and actually
find yourself also in a sanctuary. For those that are thinking to move to
Hawaii, you definitely want to support this initiative. As on the
mainland, prohibition against cannabis here in Hawaii, has created
other social issues, that are actually very dangerous and counter-
productive to society as a whole.

Rev. Nick Osborne
Northern Light Church of Hawaii
long live overgrow

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